We work with our clients to develop water and wastewater infrastructure accompanied by equitable rate structures and developer policies that stand up to the rapid growth of Central Texas.
Extended-period simulation models allow us to accurately predict the behavior of a water system including varying customer demand, pump station behavior, ground storage and elevated tank behavior. We can model a variety of options to determine the most cost-effective solutions for CIP programs.
We develop the necessary documents, reports and studies required for wastewater discharge permits, OSS SCS applications, public water system improvements, as well as reports to support funding through such agencies as USDA, RD and the Texas Water Development Board. We have fostered an excellent working relationship with governmental and regulatory authorities so that we can efficiently and effectively obtain approvals and permits required to construct projects.
Steger Bizzell can implement SCADA systems into plant and pump station control systems. We have extensive familiarity with design of pump stations and plants with VFDs (Variable Frequency Drives) that can significantly improve reliability and provide smoother operation if accompanied by the right tools. Specific Energy is a partner company of Steger Bizzell and specializes in comprehensive pump asset management and optimization.